Saturday, 13 October 2012

Helping People Pick The Right HHO Generator Do I Need A HHO Dry Cell ?

Developing The Most Efficient HHO Generator Worldwide
A lot of people ask us if the hho dry cell design is the best hho generator out there.
The answer is -- there are bigger and better hho generators available, -- but for the average person installing Hydrogen on demand on their car or truck the dry cell is the way to go, for many reasons. Beside the fact that the hho dry cell design has proven to be the most efficient hho generator, these cells are very cost effective and quite simple to install. Learn more as to why the hho dry cell is more efficient than the older style hho generator known as a wet cell on our HHO Dry Cell Page.

Since 2008 HHO2u has spent many hours and dollars experimenting and perfecting our hho dry cell in an effort to make sure that we only provide the Highest Quality hho generator available today at a very reasonable price, and we have done just that!
Unfortunately there are those that would rather copy a good thing and tag it with their name instead of building their own design.
If you see a look-a-like hho generator but it is not on this site, beware. We have always been quite free with information and always will but we won't disclose the preparation that our 316L stainless plates go through prior to assembling - That is why we get superior hho output with our modest size hho dry cell generator.
We realize our hho  site may not be the fanciest or up to date but there is a lot of helpful hho kit here.
: All our HHO Dry Cells are Now 3/8" fittings at "high low" positions, in time we will update all images to reflect the changes in our Superior design of hho dry cell generator.
Recently much of our business comes from other hho experimenters that have been building and installing hho generators and namely hho dry cells for years and are quite impressed with the design of our dry cell.
We have purposely kept our hho generator simple, after all what good is a fuel saving device if it cost you a years worth of gas or diesel before it pays for the installation.
Aiming to improve peoples gas or diesel fuel mileage and help clean up the environment has been our goal since 2008 when gasoline  was over $4.00 a gallon, and our goals have not change since. Amazingly what has changed is the mindset of the people, the prices of Gas and Diesel have been manipulated so much that folks have grown comfortable with these ridicules prices.

Tuesday, 4 September 2012



HHO gas is a unique product based on the discoveries of Yull Brown in the 60's; our hydrogen kits electrolyze the hydrogen and oxygen out of the water, without separating it, creating a unique and energetic form of gas containing H, O, H2, O2, and even H2O. It enters engine with the air and fuel of the car and acts as a “combustion catalyst” making the fuel burn faster and cleaner. The gas turns into water at this point which then turns into superheated steam, cleaning the inside of the engine of carbon deposits and sludge, and contributes to the extra mileage gained by increasing combustion efficiencies. Once set up- all you need to do is add water to the reservoir.

The clean hydrogen fuel, along with the 33% pure oxygen (the air we breathe is only 18% oxygen), extracts more energy out of the gasoline, diesel, or other fuel. So instead of wasting the energy during incomplete combustion (requiring catalytic converters and other smog removal items to chemically alter the emissions), you extract it where it matters most- inside the engine. That is why mileage goes up, and emissions drop drastically. We have even seen some engines run a few degrees cooler.


First of all- let me dispel a misconception: you cannot run a car on water only. If anyone tries to sell you something that they claim does that, run the other way! Almost every other month a new "claim" is made that this person or that has discovered how to run their vehicle on water only, but further investigation proves these claims false and unverified. One example is the youtube video of a man claiming his Dodge ram truck ran only on water. It is no coincidence that this mans name was "Fast Freddy". Every one of his claims hae been false. Only one man seems to have had that distinction - Stanley Meyer. He was poisoned before the product could make it to the market, and although many of us are researching trying to duplicate his work, No One has been able to do it yet. So do not get suckered by false claims.

Having said that, On demand hydrogen is the perfect alternative as a practical fuel saver, which is available right now to just about anyone in the world. The generators are compact, can be installed in a weekend, and are easy to maintain once set up. Brown's Gas, HHO gas, Oxy hydrogen, hydroxy, etc, are all terms that refer to the same product: the instantaneous separation of hydrogen and oxygen through a simple electrolytic process directly out of distilled water with a very small amount of electrolyte added.

You cannot use tap water or purified water or rain water or reverse osmosis water- it must be distilled or de-ionized water only. And the generators today need an electrolyte- they cannot work on water only ( at least right now).

Wednesday, 29 August 2012

HHO Gas Generator | HHO Generator | Oxyhydrogen | Hyrdogen Fuel

Attention New Update:

To those who pre-signed, we want to let you know that we received your info and we are going to be sending something up to keep everyone up to date. We are seeking a sponsor to help with a formal study. We will then post all of our findings. We also want to compare the price of using electric batteries to power the HHO Gas Genenerator rather than using the alternator. It's just a thought but I wanted to put it out there. These are the two studies we will be looking to do. Particularly providing FORMAL studies of the major HHO Gas Generator manufacturers. So if you are a manufacturer, please submit your info and state MANUFACTURER or something so we know. If you are an Installer who is able to install an HHO Generator, please also signup and include your information. There are many people who are looking for installers that are certified mechanics.

We are getting a formal logo designed and putting together a new site. What is keeping us the busiest if finding the right sponsor. The traffic this site is getting is unreal and the hits keep doubling with repeat visitors climbing and climbing. We have no doubt that HHO Gas will play a key role in the auto industry and we applaud those of you who are keeping and open mind and doing your own homework.

Here is a very rough concept car that we envision on the road soon!

This image is of an oxyhydrogen torch. Notice the thin lateral dimensions, and the long distance of the flame. Also notice that the flame begins a short distance from the torch tip; if the distance is great enough the torch tip can remain relatively cool.[1]

Oxyhydrogen is a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen gases, typically in a 2:1 atomic ratio; the same proportion as water.[2] At normal temperature and pressure, oxyhydrogen can burn when it is between about 4% and 94% hydrogen by volume,[3] with a flame temperature around 2000 �C.[4]

Oxyhydrogen will combust (turning into water vapor and releasing energy which sustains the reaction) when brought to its autoignition temperature. For a stoichiometric mixture at normal atmospheric pressure, this is about 570 �C (1065 �F).[3] The minimum energy required to ignite such a mixture with a spark is about 0.02 millijoules.[3]

The quantity of heat evolved, according to Julius Thomsen, is 34,116 calories for each gram of hydrogen burned. This heat-disturbance is quite independent of the mode in which the process is conducted; but the temperature of the flame is dependent on the circumstances under which the process takes place. It obviously attains its maximum in the case of the firing of pure "oxyhydrogen" gas (a mixture of hydrogen with exactly half its volume of oxygen, the quantity it combines with in becoming water, German Knall-gas). It becomes less when the "oxyhydrogen" is mixed with excess of one or the other of the two reacting gases, or an inert gas such as nitrogen, because in any such case the same amount of heat spreads over a larger quantity of matter.[2]

Many forms of oxyhydrogen lamps have been invented, such as the limelight, which used an oxyhydrogen flame to heat a piece of lime to white hot incandescence.[4] The explosiveness of the gas mixture made them all more or less dangerous at that time, and they have been replaced by modern electric lighting.

It was much used in platinum works, as platinum could be melted (at a temperature of 1768.3 �C) only in an oxyhydrogen flame, or an electric furnace (which is now used instead).