Developing The Most Efficient HHO Generator Worldwide
A lot of people ask us if the hho dry cell design is the best hho generator out there.The answer is -- there are bigger and better hho generators available, -- but for the average person installing Hydrogen on demand on their car or truck the dry cell is the way to go, for many reasons. Beside the fact that the hho dry cell design has proven to be the most efficient hho generator, these cells are very cost effective and quite simple to install. Learn more as to why the hho dry cell is more efficient than the older style hho generator known as a wet cell on our HHO Dry Cell Page.
Since 2008 HHO2u has spent many hours and dollars experimenting and perfecting our hho dry cell in an effort to make sure that we only provide the Highest Quality hho generator available today at a very reasonable price, and we have done just that!
Unfortunately there are those that would rather copy a good thing and tag it with their name instead of building their own design.
If you see a look-a-like hho generator but it is not on this site, beware. We have always been quite free with information and always will but we won't disclose the preparation that our 316L stainless plates go through prior to assembling - That is why we get superior hho output with our modest size hho dry cell generator.
We realize our hho site may not be the fanciest or up to date but there is a lot of helpful hho kit here.Update : All our HHO Dry Cells are Now 3/8" fittings at "high low" positions, in time we will update all images to reflect the changes in our Superior design of hho dry cell generator.
Recently much of our business comes from other hho experimenters that have been building and installing hho generators and namely hho dry cells for years and are quite impressed with the design of our dry cell.
We have purposely kept our hho generator simple, after all what good is a fuel saving device if it cost you a years worth of gas or diesel before it pays for the installation.
Aiming to improve peoples gas or diesel fuel mileage and help clean up the environment has been our goal since 2008 when gasoline was over $4.00 a gallon, and our goals have not change since. Amazingly what has changed is the mindset of the people, the prices of Gas and Diesel have been manipulated so much that folks have grown comfortable with these ridicules prices.