Thursday, 25 March 2010

Build an easy homemade diy hho generator with free hho plans download

How to build a gas saver hydrogen on demand hho generator, using my free hho plans download. The Hho Hydrogen Generator is probably one of the most misunderstood topics on the Internet today. Many say the Hho Hydrogen Generator is not cost effective. The other side says the Hho Generator has saved them up to fifty percent on their fuel costs.

The fact is, those who claim that the Hho Generator is not cost effective, have rarely tested the Hydrogen Fuel Cell for themselves. Their opinion has been formed by what they've read, not by personal experience.

This reminds me of a time in history when almost every living person believed that the World was flat. They believed that if they went to far in one direction they would fall off the Planet. During that time there were several Scientific opinions published saying this opinion was fact.

Everyone who read these opinions believed they were right. It is believed that if Science says it, it must be fact. The real truth is that many of the opinions of Science are nothing but theory. The usefullness and value of the Hho Generator is not a theory, it's a fact.

There are many running around the Internet talking like they are some kind of Scientific authority on the Hho Generator. I don't know about you but when someone tells me the Hydrogen Generator is not cost effective, I laugh. I laugh because I am now getting 31 miles to the gallon instead of 22.

All I did that made this difference was installed my Hydrogen Generator. It's never failed me in the past.

*Don't attempt this at home unless you know what you're doing, or have someone who is qualified, do it for you.

For those who like to read and do reserch, Panacea University has a free 250 page downloadable PDF e-book that explains everything about the Hydrogen Generator. Copy and paste this link to download it at

I have hands on knowledge about these Hydrogen Generators, if you need any help or have any questions feel free to leave your comments and I will respond as soon as possible.

How, and why, does the hho generator work?

There is an opinion out there that says it takes more energy to produce HHO than the energy it releases. This is absolutely true; however, what these naysayer do not consider is that the hydrogen that is produced also causes the gasoline to burn more efficiently.

It is not simply that the hydrogen produced is being burned as fuel. This alone is not what is taking place; the hydrogen gas increases the octane rating of the fuel which makes the fuel combust at a higher rate.

It'll shock most of you to learn that almost half of the fuel you purchase and put in your gas tank is not burned; it blows out of your tail pipe, or clogs up the cars catalytic converter. Some people say that the fuel loss is more like sixty to seventy percent.

An hho generator solves, to a great extent, this fuel loss problem.

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